
Andy Weber Evening Talk – ‘Why are images important?’

About the class

The images of the vast iconography of Tibetan Buddhism can be confusing and it might take years, even decades to dis-cipher their symbolism and deeper meaning. BUT why are they helpful to us in our ordinary life and in our meditation practice? This talk will be on Lama Yeshe’s direct teachings given to Andy Weber, whose mind took decades to understand the meaning.  All images are “ten.pa” , objects of support. What is the support? and how is this support helpful in our daily life?


13th October , 7 pm to 8.30 pm


Vajrayana Institute
9 Victoria Square, Ashfield


By Donation (Suggested donation $15)

Suitable For



Andy Weber – Tuition Session

About the class

Private tuition sessions: Emphasis on canvas making: Andy’s assistant Anton will demonstrate an easy method; Gold preparation ; shading techniques and outlining. Useful hints to make a tangkha including designs on the robes.

All morning sessions will include a meditation. Please BYO lunch or a plate to share with the group.

NOT TO BE MISSED by budding artists and students.


14th & 15th October , 10 am to 4 pm


Vajrayana Institute
9 Victoria Square, Ashfield


$70 per day

Suitable For



AMITAYUS – DEITY OF LONG LIFE: Workshop with Andy Weber

About Amitayus and the workshop

The meditation practises on AMITAYUS, followed by all traditions of Tibetan Buddhism date back to the first wave of Dharma into Tibet, 8th century. The Sanskrit word Amita means “infinite “and Ayus means life, existence. Guru Rimpoche meditated with his consort, the Indian princess Mandarava in the Maratika cave and had direct visions of Amitayus, who conferred a direct empowerment on both. Centuries later, the direct disciple of Milarepa Reching.pa received the transmission from Tipupa (pigeon master) in India.  Tipupa was a follower of Siddharani, the mystic female Mahasiddha from Nepal who received direct visions from the deity to create the TSEWANG, the Long Life Initiation. The practise results in immortality, which in tantric Buddhism does not mean that one lives forever but that one achieves the light-body

This weekend will focus on “Mar.tang” style of painting, which means gold lines on a red background.


FRIDAY – Evening Lecture and Meditation

19 pm – 21.30pm


10 – 13pm, 14 – 16 pm

Download Drawing Material List here

Download Art Material List here


Friday 4th November 7 pm - 9.30 pm, Saturday 5th & Sunday 6th November 10 am - 4 pm


In-person at Vajrayana Institute, 9 Victoria Square Ashfield 2131


Friday Evening Lecture & Meditation - Suggested donation $15
Saturday and Sunday - $130 for the weekend
or $70 per day