april, 2019
13apr2:00 pm5:00 pmAfternoons with Geshe la: 2 Truths2:00 pm - 5:00 pm Teacher: Geshe Ngawang Samten
Event Details
What is the relationship between absolute reality-whatever that may be-and the relative world we inhabit? That question is at the heart of all religions. Mahayana Buddhism’s answer is called the Two Truths. The
Event Details
What is the relationship between absolute reality-whatever that may be-and the relative world we inhabit? That question is at the heart of all religions. Mahayana Buddhism’s answer is called the Two Truths.
The Buddha taught that there are only two truths: the ultimate truth and the conventional truth.
All things possess these two truths. The ultimate truth refers to the nature of things, a phenomenon’s own entity, its reality, or its lack of inherent existence. The ultimate truth is emptiness; it is the object directly realized by a superior being in meditative equipoise. The conventional truth is a deceptive truth. It is the truth that is found by the perception of ordinary beings. For ordinary beings, things appear to be established by way of their own entity, and also to exist as their own entity, whereas they do not. Due to ignorance we superimpose a reality to things, which in actuality does not exist. Things appear to us to be real and we believe that things are more concrete and substantial than they are. In reality things arise in dependence on causes and conditions and on the mind imputing it.
Over the course of the afternoon Geshe Samten la will explore what does really exist and what doesn’t within the domain of each truth? Why can’t ordinary beings perceive how things really exist? How do we find the middle way between what exists and what doesn’t?
Date: Saturday 13th April
Time: 2:00pm – 5:00pm
Cost: $35/$32 VI member
At VI we aim to make Dharma teachings as accessible as possible, so if you wish to attend but are unable to afford the full cost of classes at this time please email spc@vajrayana.com.au
Geshe Ngawang Samten
(Saturday) 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Vajrayana Institute
9 Victoria Square, Ashfield, NSW 2131