february, 2019
This is a repeating eventmarch 24, 2019 1:00 pm
24feb1:00 pm5:00 pmBalancing Emotions1:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Event Details
Given the rising number of individuals working in high stress occupations, Balancing Emotions is especially relevant. It provides a number of different, practical emotional skills which lead to a better
Event Details
Given the rising number of individuals working in high stress occupations, Balancing Emotions is especially relevant. It provides a number of different, practical emotional skills which lead to a better understanding of our emotional life and support an increase in constructive emotional episodes.
Through careful investigation of our mental and emotional life and our embodied experience, we can generate superb emotional balance. Suitable for everyone whether you are religious or not.
A series of five workshops based on the Cultivating Emotional Balance program will be presented centering on emotional experiences of anger, sadness, fear, disgust & contempt, and the enjoyable emotions including happiness. These workshops will run for four hours and will introduce people to the psychology of emotions and contemplative practices in order to bring awareness to those emotional experiences. The workshops will consist of presentation, discussion, group participation, personal reflection and journaling, and importantly contemplative practice to cultivate attentional balance, emotional balance and understand the stories and thoughts that arise when we are in the grip of an emotional experience.
Dates – Sunday
- 24 Feb – Anger
- 24 March – Sadness
- 28 April – Fear
- 26 May – Enjoyable Emotions *Unfortunately this event has been CANCELLED
- TBA – Contempt and Disgust
Time – 1pm – 5pm
Cost – $50 / $40 Members or package all 5 for $240 / $190
At VI we aim to make Dharma teachings as accessible as possible, so if you wish to attend but are unable to afford the full cost of classes at this time please email spc@vajrayana.com.au
About the Teacher
Angela Blazely is a certified Cultivating Emotional Balance trainer and qualified Clinical Neuropsychologist, with over 20 years experience in clinical practice. Angela’s interest in contemplative practice developed out of a personal desire to understand the nature of the mind, what it is, how it works and how we experience the world we inhabit. After many years of studying and practising Neuropsychology, Angela pursued a personal contemplative practice and attended retreats under the guidance of Dr Alan Wallace. Through this, she was introduced to the programme of Cultivating Emotional Balance, finding there an opportunity to explore the intersection between the science of emotion and contemplative practice. Her interest in teaching Cultivating Emotional Balance lies in offering people the opportunity to explore their emotional world, the mind, and what it can mean to develop a genuine sense of well-being. Her personal interests include spending time with her husband, and spoiling her cats.
(Sunday) 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Vajrayana Institute
9 Victoria Square, Ashfield, NSW 2131