january, 2020
Event Details
Quite often meditative practices are presented from the point of view of full-time meditators, who have committed a sizable block of time and energy to meditation, making it their
Event Details
Quite often meditative practices are presented from the point of view of full-time meditators, who have committed a sizable block of time and energy to meditation, making it their vocation. What about the rest of us who have to juggle various life responsibilities and social commitments while still interested in pursuing meditation? In this Deepening Meditation series, we will specifically look at what is possible and accessible for the regular (and irregular) meditators living in a busy city like Sydney, that does not require us to go on long, solitary retreats or hours of practice daily.
1st of the series: Making Mindfulness of Breathing Our Refuge – January 19th
The simple meditation practice of mindfulness of breathing has tremendous potential to help us attain states of meditative absorption and reveal life-changing insights. In this workshop we will touch on the 16 steps presented by the Buddha in his discourse on Mindfulness of Breathing, that span from the most elementary of noticing the length of each breath to the most profound insight of letting go. We will see for ourselves how it can be a true refuge for us.
2. Absorption into Immeasurable Loving-kindness – February 16th
Among the many objects used as support for cultivating meditative concentration, loving-kindness holds a special place for being one that is intrinsically pleasant and extremely beneficial, both for the meditators and those around them. In this workshop we will look specifically on how to rely on loving-kindness as support to transport us into states of deep absorption.
3. Letting in the Light: Meditative Absorption through Visualization – March 15th
Visualization meditation makes use of our power of imagination to bring forth engaging visual images, be they consciously created or spontaneously arisen from the non-conscious mental processes, as supports for our attention. In this workshop we tackle the usual obstacles that hinder our visualization and foster favorable conditions that enable us to tap into this inner resource as a way to enter into meditative absorption.
4. Finding Pleasure and Enjoyment in Meditation – April 19th
So often we were told that meditation is good for us but rarely were we invited to enjoy it. In fact, it is through our enjoyment of the meditation journey, by attending to the pleasures that derived from meditation itself, that we are able to shift our consciousness into altered states of deep meditative absorption. In this workshop, we learn to welcome all of these meditative pleasures into awareness and work with them so as to facilitate that shift to absorption.
5. Entering into Wobbly States of Meditative Concentration – May 17th
The various states of absorption of our attention into objects that we find captivating are surprisingly more common than we may have imagined. Such absorption experiences are wobbly because they are not all that stable. Their supporting conditions may assembly for only short durations of 10-15 mins and the experience may be marred by various imperfections, such as sounds intruding, wispy thoughts flowing in the background and so on. Nonetheless, they represent an accessible meditation goal for many of us non-professional meditators that we will explore in this workshop and also how familiarity may help to stabilize them, leading to ever-deepening experiences of meditative concentration.
6. Insight Meditation: Escape from the Tyranny of Self-Centered Thinking – June 21st
There is a wide variety of insights to be gained through our meditative practice, ranging from the profound realization of emptiness to the simple recognition that we are self-centered creatures, most of the time. By learning to discern the difference between direct experiencing, functional thinking and dysfunctional self-centered thinking in this workshop, we aim to release our attention from the iron-grip of self-grasping and the suffering associated with it.
Dates: 3rd Sundays of Every month January- June
January 19th
February 16th
March 15th
April 19th
May 17th
June 21st
Time: 10.30-3.30 pm
There is also the option of attending mornings only from 10.30- 12 pm
BYO Lunch – please bring a plate for everyone to enjoy a shared lunch together.
Cost: By donation (suggested $50 or $15 until lunchtime- but no set amount)
Wai Cheong Kok
(Sunday) 10:30 am - 3:30 pm