About the Teaching
The two sides of the “coin” of reality are interdependence (also known as dependent origination) and emptiness, according to Mahayana Buddhism. Interdependence describes the mutually dependent relationship between phenomena and the varied conditions that give rise to and are supportive of them. Emptiness, on the other hand, highlights the complete absence of any independent, self-supporting entity in this vast network of relationships. In this workshop we will go through several guided meditations that connect these seemingly abstract ideas to our present experience and offer practical ways to implement them in our life that will enhance our relationship with self and others.
All are welcome; no prerequisite required.
Each workshop consists of two sessions with a mixture of explanations, guided meditations and time for discussion or Q&A.
Wai Cheong
Sunday, 11th September
11 am - 3 pm
Vajrayana Institute
9 Victoria Square, Ashfield
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(Suggested: $30 per class)
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