
Traditional Tibetan Painting

About the class

Margaret McIntyre has been a student of Andy Weber (and his student Paul Smith) since 2016.

During COVID 19 Andy Weber taught a number of courses on line and these recordings are available for purchase on his website.

Andy has given his permission and blessings for Margaret to facilitate a drawing course using his videos of the Shakyamuni Buddha course. The videos go for approximately 9 hours in total and provide close up and detailed instructions on the drawing process as well as the meaning of the elements within the image. 

Andy will provide support to Margaret if there are questions that cannot to be answered from the videos and Margaret and other students experiences.

The drawing of Shakyamuni Buddha is usually the beginning of every Dharma art course before other images are drawn, this therefore is a great opportunity for those new to thangka art as a practice to join at the beginning.

Participants do not require previous art or drawing skills, just motivation to be open to the experience and to be of benefit to yourself and others.

It is also a wonderful opportunity for those who have attended Andy’s face to face courses to actually see him drawing close up and to refresh and fine tune your skills.

We will look at segments of the videos and then do the drawing related to the video so that we can gradually complete a finished drawing by the end of the course.

Outline of Program: (This may vary depending on participants progress)

Week 1 – Introduction and drawing the face grid and face

Week 2 – Drawing the body and lotus grids, drawing the body.

Week 3 – Drawing the lotus

Week 4 – Drawing the head and body auras, drawing the robes

Week 5 – Drawing the throne, snow lions

Week 6 – Drawing Face, aura lines, sun and moon.

Week 7 and 8 – Review any parts of videos on request and completion of drawings.

Prerequisite for attendance: Viewing of Andy Webers talk of Shakyamuni Buddha on his website, link below.

Talks From New York – Andy Weber Studios

Download the Art Materials List


Saturdays 10 am - 1 pm
February 11, 18, 25, March 4, 11, 18, 25, April 1st


Vajrayana Institute
9 Victoria Square, Ashfield


By Donation
There will be an opportunity for those who wish to offer a donation to Andy Weber at the conclusion of the course.

Suitable For

Prerequisite: Viewing of Andy Webers talk of Shakyamuni Buddha (details below)

I want to donate for this class

VI’s Generosity Model 

Vajrayana Institute is able to offer these classes thanks to the generosity and kindness of previous students and members. Donations are appreciated and will enable us to offer more amazing teachings like these in the future!

Donations are appreciated and will enable us to offer more amazing teachings like these in the future. There is a suggested amount for each class as listed above, however no set amount. 

Please don’t ever let financial difficulty be the reason for not attending class.

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