
Lama Tsongkhapa Day

About Lama Tsongkhapa Day

Ganden Ngamchoe, literally “Ganden Offering of the Twenty-Fifth Day,” is also known as Lama Tsongkhapa Day. It is a celebration of the anniversary of the parinirvana of Lama Tsongkhapa (1357-1419), the founder of the Gelug tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. 

Lama Zopa Rinpoche encourages FPMT students to engage in a variety of practices on Ganden Ngamchoe to celebrate and create merit, including making light offerings. While at Kopan Monastery last year on Lama Tsongkhapa Day, Rinpoche said, “Light offering is very important, in particular, by making light offerings you are able to dispel the darkness of ignorance and develop Dharma wisdom. Any light offering can dispel darkness, it doesn’t have to be just a butter lamp. You can offer electric lights and even the sun.”

All welcome. Places are limited! Bring offerings of flowers and fruit.

We will celebrate with Lama Tsongkhapa Guru Puja

Vajrayana’s End Of Year Christmas Party will follow at 7.30 pm.

More info about the party here


Thursday December 7th
6 pm


In-person at Vajrayana Institute. 9 Victoria Square, Ashfield


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VI’s Generosity Model 

Vajrayana Institute is able to offer these classes thanks to the generosity and kindness of previous students and members. Donations are appreciated and will enable us to offer more amazing teachings like these in the future!

Donations are appreciated and will enable us to offer more amazing teachings like these in the future. There is a suggested amount for each class as listed above, however no set amount. 

Please don’t ever let financial difficulty be the reason for not attending class.

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