

Exploring Buddhism

Module 1: Exploring The Mind​


Exploring Buddhism

Exploring Buddhism (EB) is a Foundational level education program by FPMT Education Services. It is intended to follow our Discovering Buddhism (DB) program and complement the DB contents by exploring in greater detail various topics related to Buddhist philosophy and practice.

The EB program helps to familiarize students with the concept of text-based explanations in the study of Buddhist classical texts featured in our in-depth programs. The program’s syllabus covers a range of important ideas related to Buddhist philosophy, psychology and meditation. It also provides an explanation of prayers and practices commonly done in the FPMT, as well as the preliminary practices (ngondro) performed in the tradition.

The program is fully revised and is being offered at various FPMT centers. It is ideally suited for both experienced and intermediate students of Buddhism. We hope this guide will be a helpful point of departure on your journey.

You can find more about the Exploring Buddhism program offered at the FPMT Exploring Buddhism page.


Study and Practice

In accordance with the traditional teaching for generating spiritual realisations and transformations through the threefold activities of learning, reflection and meditation, the EB program incorporates these three activities to support students in developing a better understanding of the materials and offer opportunities to generate their personal experiences in relation to the concepts covered.

There will be weekly teaching and guided meditation for the group, and personal interview slots for individuals needing further consultation. Students are encouraged to develop a personal practice to complement the teaching by completing the review quiz at the end of the module, and engage in personal reflection and meditation during the week.

Teaching (Group)
Review Quiz (Personal Practice)
Personal Interview (Group)
Suggested Reflection (Personal Practice)
Guided Meditation (Group)
Suggested Meditation (Personal Practice)

View the EB Prospectus

Topics in Module 1: Exploring the Mind

What the Mind Is and How It Works

Destructive and Constructive Emotions

Seven Types of Awarenesses

Conceptual and Non-Conceptual Consciousnesses

Main Minds and Mental Factors


Wai-Cheong Kok

Wai Cheong Kok is from Singapore. He has been teaching meditation and Buddhism since 1996, with a special interest in making available the benefits of meditation to a wider audience.

From 2006-2015 and starting from 2020, he has served as a senior teacher at Vajrayana Institute, a Tibetan Buddhist Centre affiliated to the Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition (FPMT). After studying Dharma for several years, Wai Cheong set out to deepen his understanding of spiritual practice by completing the first 7-year Masters program in Advanced Buddhist Studies of Sutra and Tantra at Istituto Lama Tsong Khapa in Italy from 1998-2004. 

This was followed by a four month solitary retreat in New Zealand.


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