
Guru Puja

About the Puja

During Guru Puja (or  Lama Chopa), we invoke all the lamas of the graduated path lineage beginning with Shakyamuni Buddha himself, extending to our present direct teachers who have shown us the path. We pay homage to them, make offerings, and request each of them to please bless our minds with the same realisations that they themselves have generated. By offering sincere, heartfelt requests, we make our minds ripe to receive the full blessings of this precious lineage and quickly actualise the realisations we need to attain enlightenment.



October 26, 4 pm

November 11, 4 pm 

November 25, 4 pm

December 10, 4 pm


Check dates on the left to confirm time as it may vary


Vajrayana Institute
9 Victoria Square, Ashfield


By donation

Suitable For


VI’s Generosity Model 

Vajrayana Institute is able to offer these classes thanks to the generosity and kindness of previous students and members. Donations are appreciated and will enable us to offer more amazing teachings like these in the future!

Donations are appreciated and will enable us to offer more amazing teachings like these in the future. There is a suggested amount for each class as listed above, however no set amount. 

Please don’t ever let financial difficulty be the reason for not attending class.

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