
Introduction to Tantric Buddhism

The tantric approach to the Buddhist path of enlightenment embodies important concepts and principles, such as the fundamental purity of our mind, the principle of transformation, utilisation of desire and pleasure in the spiritual path, and so forth, which is just as relevant to our 21st century living as it is in ancient India and Tibet. With the guide of Lama Yeshe’s book, Introduction to Tantra: The Transformation of Desire, we will engage in a series of guided meditations to put these ideas to the test and find out for ourselves how we may be able to manifest our innate Buddha-nature and get a taste of what is in store for us on this tantric path.

All are welcome; no prerequisite needed. As we are only exploring the general principles of tantra that do not involve practices traditionally guarded by vows of secrecy, anyone interested in this topic is welcome to join in.

Watch on Zoom

Meeting ID: 868 0488 7128

Passcode: 1234

Vajrayana Institute is able to offer these classes thanks to the generosity and kindness of previous students and members. Donations are appreciated and will enable us to offer more amazing teachings like these in the future!

By donation. Suggested Donation $15 but no set amount

Special Insight in Reality

Special insight (vipaśyanā in Sanskrit) is the profound shift in perspective and view of reality that we wish to cultivate as a way to free us from the influence of ignorance and delusion. Many approaches and methods are taught in the different Buddhist traditions to facilitate a practitioner in finding and embodying such insight. In this course, we will survey a few of the most common approaches and try them on for size. All are welcome; no prerequisite needed.


Vajrayana Institute is able to offer these classes thanks to the generosity and kindness of previous students and members. Donations are appreciated and will enable us to offer more amazing teachings like these in the future!

By donation. Suggested Donation $15 but no set amount

The 7 Factors of Awakening: Finding Balance with Equanimity

The final factor of Awakening of equanimity provides our mind with the balance and equipoise needed to meet with the variety of life experiences, both pleasant and painful, without succumbing to old habits of reactivity, such as hatred and craving. Instead, supported by equanimity, we can bring together all 7 factors to create the favourable conditions for catalysing a profound shift in perspective, i.e., awakening to the true nature of our self and mind. All are welcome; no prerequisite needed.


Vajrayana Institute is able to offer these classes thanks to the generosity and kindness of previous students and members. Donations are appreciated and will enable us to offer more amazing teachings like these in the future!

By donation. Suggested Donation $15 but no set amount

The 7 Factors of Awakening: Achieving a Calm and Unified Mind

With the 3 factors of Awakening–Rapture, Pliancy and Samadhi–we move towards a calm and unified mind that is liberated from inner conflict and fragmentation. Attracted by the arising of pleasant experiences like rapture and the happiness of contentment, we can gather back the scattered energies of our attention, work through the imbalances to regain a pliant and serviceable body and mind, and rest our awareness in the unified state of samadhi that supports our insights into reality. All are welcome; no prerequisite needed.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 861 0721 0523

Passcode: 1234

Vajrayana Institute is able to offer these classes thanks to the generosity and kindness of previous students and members. Donations are appreciated and will enable us to offer more amazing teachings like these in the future!

By donation. Suggested Donation $15 but no set amount

The 7 Factors of Awakening: Arousing Effort

Our exploration of the 7 factors of Awakening continues with the factor of Joyous Effort, where we learn about the Buddha’s advice on how to direct our energy and effort in nurturing the wholesome qualities conducive to peace and happiness while diminishing the influence of the unwholesome qualities of closed-mindedness, hatred, and craving. Free from the usual struggle, frustration, and tension we may come to associate with meditation or spiritual practices in general, there is yet another way of arousing our energy for positive change that is suffused with joy and peacefulness. All are welcome; no prerequisite needed.

Watch on Zoom

Meeting ID: 861 0721 0523

Passcode: 1234

Vajrayana Institute is able to offer these classes thanks to the generosity and kindness of previous students and members. Donations are appreciated and will enable us to offer more amazing teachings like these in the future!

By donation. Suggested Donation $15 but no set amount

Lam Rim Meditation Retreat

The teaching on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (Lam Rim in Tibetan) is a systematic presentation of the various important Buddhist topics, such as our precious human life, death, karma, happiness, and suffering. By reflecting and meditating on these topics we can progressively guide our mind to let go of old, unhelpful views and conditioning that are the sources of our suffering. In their place, we cultivate virtuous mind states and habits conducive to our happiness, well-being, and the awakening of our Buddha potential.

In this 3-day non-residential retreat, Wai Cheong will lead a series of guided meditations to facilitate our exploration of the different themes and for us to gain a personal experience of each of them. Each meditation is preceded by explanations. All are welcome; no prerequisite needed.

This is a non-residential retreat available to attend in-person or online via Zoom stream.

In-person places are limited. If you attending in-person please be sure to read our Covid-19 guidelines. Make sure to bring your own lunch and please sign in on arrival and wear a mask when inside the centre.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 889 3574 0052

Passcode: 1234

Vajrayana Institute is able to offer these classes thanks to the generosity and kindness of previous students and members. Donations are appreciated and will enable us to offer more amazing teachings like these in the future!

By donation. Suggested Donation $125 for the full retreat or $50 per day – but no set amount.  Includes morning and afternoon tea. Please BYO lunch


VI Christmas Party

As another year draws to a close we would like to invite you to join Sangha, fellow Vajrayana students, staff, and volunteers for our annual end of year party.

Everyone is welcome! Bring some finger food, a light meal or salad to share.

UPDATED LOCATION: Vajrayana Institute 9 Victoria Square Ashfield


While enjoying yourself please remember to practice good hygiene and social distancing

Annual Vajrasattva Retreat 2021

Lama Zopa Rinpoche says there is no better practice than purification. During this retreat you will learn how to purify negative karma with the powerful practice of Vajrasattva in the context of the Four Opponent Powers. You will be led through a series of meditations and practices which encourage you to release anxiety over past regrettable actions and help you affirm your positive aspirations. These simple practices of prayer, meditation, and mantra recitation are an extremely effective way of developing a more relaxed, peaceful, and happier approach to life.

“The Vajrasattva practice can lead us beyond ego, beyond grasping, and beyond the dualistic mind. That’s what the Vajrasattva practice is about.” – Lama Yeshe

Dates & time: Saturday 3rd October 6 pm to Monday 5th October 4 pm.

This is a non-residential retreat available to attend in-person or online via Zoom stream.

You can view the retreat schedule here

Cost: By donation (suggested, but no set amount  Full retreat $125 plus teacher offering. Includes morning and afternoon tea. Day attendees $50 per day plus teacher offering) Please BYO lunch

Open to everyone!


Rules of Discipline 

Since Vajrayana is a semi-monastic meditation centre and not a guesthouse, we ask all of our retreatants and visitors to observe the following rules of discipline in order to maintain an atmosphere conducive to inner reflection and meditation:

  • Respect all life: do not intentionally kill any living being, even small insects.
  • Respect others’ property: do not steal or take anything not freely given.
  • Be honest and straightforward: do not lie or intentionally deceive others. This is easy when observing silence!
  • Be celibate: no sexual activity. This also includes no holding hands, hugging, massages, and other physical displays of affection.
  • Be alert and mindful: avoid intoxicants such as alcohol, drugs, and cigarettes (we encourage you to stop smoking while here, but if this is impossible, one can smoke at a designated place outside the centre boundary).
  • Be considerate of others’ silence: respect others that choose to keep silent during the retreat, especially in the Gompa. No singing or playing music and in general, maintain a quiet demeanor while on the property.
  • Be considerate of the monks and nuns: dress respectfully (please no shorts above the knee, tank-top shirts or tight and revealing clothing).

Basic Retreat Discipline

In order to keep the atmosphere conducive to inner reflection and spiritual pursuit and to minimise distractions during the course, students on our residential courses and retreats are asked to abide by our basic code of discipline listed below.

  • Please settle all outside communication before the course begins. Telling friends and family that you will be out of contact for the duration of the course and sticking by that decision significantly reduces distraction from the investigation into the workings of your own mind!
  • Participants should attend all sessions of the course and come to sessions on time.
  • Please leave all communication/entertainment devices (laptop / mobile phones /cameras / MP3/CD players) etc at home or switch off and leave in your bag.
  • Please be gentle in your behaviour and sensitive to fellow group members.

Can’t make it yet would like to generate merit by supporting the retreatants?
Lama Zopa Rinpoche says that sponsoring retreats generates the same merit as if you had done the retreat yourself.  

  • If you would like to financially sponsor the cost of the retreat, please make a donation using the donation box above
    • Sponsor one retreatant ($125) 
    • Sponsor food

Geshe Samten – Tantric Grounds and Paths

Grounds and Paths of Secret Mantra, In brief, the Buddhahood achieved over countless aeons you will attain in this birth through the most excellent bliss or the state of Vajradhara. Samputa Tantra Grounds and Paths of Secret Mantra offers a concise overview of the structure of the Tantric path, widely acclaimed in Tibet as the swiftest and most sublime means to realize Buddhahood. Tantra distinguishes itself in particular through a unique combination of method and wisdom, achieved through meditation on the perfect form of a buddha as completely devoid of true existence. Presenting the paths of all four classes of tantra, while not being a guide to Highest Yoga Tantra practice itself, this subject provides a clear overview of its complex path structure.

The text for this subject will be “An Excellent Explanation of the Principles of the Grounds and Paths of Mantra According to the Arya Tradition of Glorious Guhyasamaja” composed by Yangchen Gawai Lodoe.

You can download the text here.

This is an advanced level course on Buddhist philosophy and suitable for those with Highest Yoga Tantra initiation only.

Watch on via Zoom Streaming

Or join with meeting ID: 828 5313 0814

Audio recordings of Basic Program subjects taught by Geshe Samten are available on the VI website on our Resources page.

Time and Date

Thursday, 7:00pm – 9:00pm

No Class 10th December as it is Lama Tsong Khapa Day and will be having puja at 6 pm


By donation (suggested $15 per class, but no set amount).

Vajrayana Institute is able to offer these classes thanks to the generosity and kindness of previous students and members. Donations are appreciated and will enable us to offer more amazing teachings like these in the future!


Become a member and support VI button

While we do not charge for classes, the success of our work reflects the support we receive from our members, so become a member today!

Find out more about our membership options.

Chokhor Duchen & International Sangha Day: Puja

Chokhor Duchen, one of the four annual holy days of Guru Shakyamuni Buddha, takes place this year on July 24th. On these holy days, the power of any meritorious action is multiplied by 100 million, as cited by Lama Zopa Rinpoche from the vinaya text Treasure of Quotations and Logic.

Known in English as “Turning the Wheel of Dharma,” Chokhor Duchen commemorates the anniversary of Guru Shakyamuni Buddha’s first teaching. It is said that for seven weeks after his enlightenment, the Buddha did not teach. Afterward, Indra and Brahma offered a Dharmachakra and a conch shell and requested Guru Shakyamuni Buddha to teach. Accepting, Guru Shakyamuni Buddha turned the wheel of Dharma for the first time at Sarnath by teaching the four noble truths.

Advice from Lama Zopa Rinpoche for practices to do on merit multiplying days such as Chokhor Duchen can be found here.

Chokhor Duchen is also the day on which the FPMT organization celebrates International Sangha Day! As Claire recently reminded, International Sangha Day provides an opportunity for the lay and monastic communities to come together in recognition of their interdependence and acknowledge the ways in which they rely on each other for the practice of Dharma.

Vajrayana Institute is able to offer these classes thanks to the generosity and kindness of previous students and members. Donations are appreciated and will enable us to offer more amazing teachings like these in the future!